At SSL we strongly believe that we provide the very best independent facility designs in the industry. Our design processes encapsulate every aspect of a facility including earthworks, drainage, base design, surface system design, perimeter fencing, floodlighting and all associated peripherals such as sports equipment, facility access and maintenance considerations.
And as part of our commitment to delivering the very best service, SSL recently invested in state-of-the-art drainage design and modelling software. The new software enables a proposed drainage system to be hydraulically analysed which ensures that the proposed drainage system, whether SuDS or a combination of traditional and SuDS, achieves the necessary design parameters.
The software can be used in conjunction with SSL’s existing volumetrics system, used widely by civil engineers for earthworks calculations.
SSL’s Managing Director Steve Wilcockson commented; “We recognise that our design solutions must provide value for money and the investment we have made will ensure we have greater control of the design process. Having this capability in-house will ensure that SSL are extremely efficient in being able to make adjustments to the earthworks and/or drainage system design. The SSL team submit a large number of planning applications each year and ensuring we are able to demonstrate an effective well designed drainage system is often a key requirement with planners.”
The new software will ensure that SSL continue to deliver considerate and well planned sports facilities to the very highest quality.